March 19, 2021

Spring/Summer Coffee Lovers Blog Hop - Coffee Card Inspiration

Hello and welcome to our blog! We are participating in the Spring/Summer Coffee Lovers Hop.
What does that mean for you? Lots of inspiration and an awesome sale and free stamp for you!
More info on the hop and how to win a $25 gift certificate to our store is listed towards the bottom of this post.

To get 30% OFF of our Drink Category Stamps use the coupon code SpringCoffeeHop

In addition to getting 30% OFF orders of $30 or more, you will get our Wanna Have A Cup stamp FREE when you use the coupon code SpringCoffeeHop at checkout.

Now for some inspiration from our design team using some of our drink stamps..

Now for what you've been waiting for, how to win!

Leave a comment on this post to be eligible to win a $25 Gift Certificate to our Crackerbox & Suzy Stamps Store. Commenting will close on Friday, March 26th at 11:59 pm pacific.

For the full list of sponsors and prizes, visit the Coffee Lovers Hop post HERE.

Don't forget to get 30% OFF of our Drink Category Stamps use the coupon code SpringCoffeeHop

and in addition to getting 30% OFF orders of $30 or more, you will get our Wanna Have A Cup stamp FREE when you use the coupon code SpringCoffeeHop at checkout.
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  1. Love these cards! Thanks so much for being a returning Super Sponsor!

  2. Love these yummy, fun cards.
    Thanks so much for sponsoring.

  3. Cute & funny sentiments on the cards.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  4. What a lovely cards from the design team...way to go ladies!
    Thank you for being a sponsor on the 2021 Spring/Summer Coffee blog hop.

  5. Love seeing all these different style coffee projects! Thanks for being a Super Sponsor.

  6. So much inspiration packed in a cup of coffee! Thank you for sharing such great talent with us all.

  7. All are so beautiful!
    Thanks for being a super sponsor!

  8. Love this cute variety of cards that speaks to every coffee drinker I know!! Thanks for sharing your talents, and thanks for sponsoring this hop. It is such fun!

  9. Oh my goodness, love these cards! Also love your stamps. Thank you for being a Super Sponsor!

  10. Great cards I love them all with the snarky sentiments to.
    Thank you for the inspiration.
    Thank you for being a super sponsor.

    Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.

  11. How cute.. What awesome cards and great images. Thanks for the inspiration and being a sponsor.

  12. My bloodtype is coffee too and all these cards look delicious.
    Thank you for being a great sponsor!

  13. Fun and pretty coffee themed cards. Thanks for being a sponsor.

  14. These are all so fun, and different - I love it! The bird is my favorite, though. Just saying. Thank you for being a sponsor of this hop.

  15. That is some great coffee inspiration. Love them all. Thanks for being a Super Sponsor!

  16. Love those snarky sentiments! Thanks for being a Super Sponsor!

  17. Awesome cards. Thanks for being a super sponsor too.

  18. I love all these inspiring cards! So many different styles to take inspiration from.

    Thank you for sponsoring the Spring/Summer Coffee Lovers blog hop!
    Cheryl (SheStamps)
    Visit my blog - She Stamps

  19. These are all so adorable! I used one of your stamps on my post today!!! Thank you for being a sponsor!

  20. I just love snarky cards! These are hilarious. Thanks for the inspiration and chance to win. I think I'll go get a coffee now. LOL

  21. You have soooo many awesome coffee products! I LOVE the sassy sentiments! Thanks for the chance!

  22. OMG - these are perfect and made me laugh!

  23. Marisela Delgado said: Such beautiful cards!

  24. Love these coffee themed cards! Thanks for being a Super Sponsor!

  25. Fresh and fun cards that you have created for the blog hop!
    Thank you for being a sponsor.

  26. Such fun designs. Love them all!

  27. Cute, funny and lovely cards. Thank you for being a sponsor. [Bunny]

  28. What fun and fantastic cards you've created! Thank you for being one of the super sponsors!!!

  29. Fantastic cards! I've got so many of these stamps in my stash already, you've inspired me to get cracking with a few this weekend. Thanks so much for sponsoring!

  30. What a wonderful set of coffee themed cards! So many amazing images!! Thanks so much for being a generous sponsor! Stay safe! :)

  31. These are all beautiful! Thanks for being a sponsor! Always love these hops!
    Love the coffee runs thru my blood!? Lol

  32. OMGoodness what a great selection of design creativity from the team! I love the wit of Martha's card! Thanks so much for sponsoring this hop!
    Rachelle : )

  33. Darling cards and great coffee-themed products! Thanks for being a sponsor to this amazing hop!

  34. ROFL - a valium latte to go, LOL- Me on a Monday :) LOVE these cards - such a hoot! Each one is so different and beautifully done - thanks for being a super sponsor!

  35. Fun coffee inspiration! Thanks for sponsoring the CLBH.

  36. Oh my so much fun and beauty! thanks so much for being a Super Sponsor again!

  37. Such pretty cards. Love them all!
    Valerija xx

  38. Great cards...your design team rocks! Thanks for being a sponsor!

  39. What a seriously delightful Spring Coffee hop card collection from the design team! I LOVE all of the snarky playful cards so much! Cornella's card is my favorite! So funny!

  40. Awesome cards!! Thank you for sponsoring this fabulous Hop.
    I am esp loving Tracy's beautiful card!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  41. Pretty and fun cards! Thanks for being a sponsor.


Woo hoo! Comment time! I totally do a little happy dance every time a new one pops up!